Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Working with Emma

Emma and I are working on her Personal Progress together. So far we have learned so much in the scriptures. We had a great time with the cousins learning about Divine Nature. I am so glad that I get this chance to work with her. This will be so cool to see her learn and develop her testimony. When we start on the projects we will start taking more pictures.

Majic Tree House Books

Jacob and I have decided to read all the majic tree house books. Drew and I did this and we loved it. It is a great time to be together and this way I can help him do some reading. We are starting out kind of slow. But he wants to be done before Christmas and then we will get to go out to dinner together and either go to a show or buy a movie. Anything to motivate him to read. So we finished #3 and we are going to start on #4 what is also great is that there are quizes about these books and a passport book that you can get the stamps from. So we will also be doing that as well. So here is to the majic tree house books.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Chocolate Eclair Cake

Sarah suggested we make chocolate Eclair cake. She mixed up the pudding andcool whip. And I layered and put the chocolate icing on. We had it tonight and it was delicious. I am so glad Sarah shared this recipe with me it was easy and so very good.

Keep up with the Laundry

Right before I came up to Tooele. I finally got all the laundry washed. Sometimes this is such a big chore. I really don't like to do it. I have even set aside days where I do some of my wash. But this summer has been crazy. Before the summer ends I really would like to teach my children how to wash thier own clothes.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Jacob riding a 2 wheeler

Jacob was all ready to ride his new 2 wheeler bike. We went up to the church and it just took about 2 times around the church with mom and he was on his way. He was so excited. This has been 1 of my goals for Jacob. I think that it is very important that every child learns how to ride a bike. I know that it has been hard living on a hill. But now that we can all ride a bike we can go other places. I think Jacob really started learning was when we went up to Panigutich Lake and he saw Jylinn going and he asked to try . That is where he got his excitement to go do it himself. I am so proud of him.

White Chocolate Cheesecake

I got this recipe from Philadelphia Cream cheese cook book. It looked so good in the book. Even though this does not look the best it tasted pretty good. I think my goal will be what I can do so that when you bake a cheesecake they do not get brown or crack. But Sarah, Dan, Kate said they thought it tasted pretty good.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Lunch Date

Jonathan and I were able to go grab lunch after our visit with the Apple Program. I love going to Great Harvest it is so very yummy. And it was fun to finally go some where alone with Jonathan this summer. So if you are ever in Cedar City stop by are Great Harvest it is so yummy.

Fasting for the Month of July

I think I did a really great job considering I made dinner for my family plus extra and I also made lunch in between for the smaller children. I am trully grateful for my blessings. This month we fasted for Jylinn Burr that her surgery will go great and that she can recomver quickly. That we can do better as a family. All the children bore thier testimony this month was very encouraging. I love that thier testimonies are growing in the gospel.

June Ensign

I just loved the article about A Abountful Harvest in Bardstown. on page 36. What a powerful message about family History and Temple work. I love the line " It's a result of what happens when the Lord tell you to do something and you do it." I think we need to apply this to all our lives.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Visit Teach For July

Got July done. It is so nice to go visting teaching all in one day. We asked our sister if they needed anything? The answer is no. But would I be willing to help them out. And the answer is yes. I have a very good partner who likes to go and get it done.
This message is so good in the summer time when we are at home with the children. That we need to teach them all skills and especially the gospel. Got the cute handout from A Little Tipsy. She is so creative.

Dutch oven Cherry Cake

Yes I finally seasoned my dutch oven and made cherry and apple cobbler in dutch oven. They were delicious I love to have food from a dutch oven.

God wants a powerful people

I just got done reading this great book. I loved it. I loved how she was so strong on her points. I need to do so much more. So if you have a minute I would pick up this great book. She is such a powerful writer. Good Luck reading.