Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Saving CeeCee Honeycutt

When my mother was down in the Summer she gave me this book. And I just got done with
it. It made me laugh and cry and think. I thought this was a great book. And would recommend it to anyone.
This is what it says on the back of the book.
"Twelve year old CECEE is in trouble for year she's taken care of her mother , Camille, the town's tiara-wearing, lipstick-smeared laughing stock, a woman who is trapped in her long ago moment of glory as the 1951 Vidal Onion queen."

Monday, September 12, 2011

Jacob and his tinfoil clone.

Jacob has a great teacher this year. She has been Emma and Drew teacher to. So I was excited when he brought home his tin foil figure of himself. It looked awesome and he was so happy about it.

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Duck Creek

Posted by Picasa We had the best weather to go camping for Labor Day. We had a great time hiking, crafting, resting and eating. The kids love to be out and playing around. And thanks to our great Nana getting to ride on a 4 wheeler.

Go to the Temple

On Saturday night I was able to go to the temple with my sweetheart and my mom and sister and brother in-law we had a great time and were able to do work for family names. It was great to go to St. George at night it was a great night and a great experience.